Friday, October 19, 2007


A little while ago I created a Flickr group to see how my toys turn out when you make them and add your own details and ideas . I just love to see how following the same pattern we can all make something that's so similar and yet so different at the same time. I think that through everything we make we show, or let shine through, a little bit of ourselves, don't you?

Take a look at this:
my boring, yet oh-so-cute ;) owls:

Baby & Mommy Owl/ Mama e hijito Buho :)

& now look at Else's!:

Chester the Post Owl

Dr. Hoot

How extremely adorable & creative is that?!!!

This post is to invite you to share your pictures too :)
anapaulaoli crochet patterns Flickr group :)


  1. Hi there!
    I´ve been searching for ami-patterns for a few days, and I must say your creatures are awesome! Among the cutiest I´ve found! I just have to try making one!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Te felicito por tu trabajo.

  3. HI,

    Thanks 4 sharing all these cutie. very neatly crocheted, very cute.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Ana, thanks for featuring the owls I made from your patterns! How fun! I love your patterns and customizing them--your amis are amazing, so easy to make, and precious! :)

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  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Anna, I received the owl pattern (and jellyfish - thanks) and can hardly wait to get started. You have such wonderfully cute creativity that is much appreciated! Deborah

  9. I just purchased your book at Borders yesterday, and I can't believe I stumbled upon your blog. :) I am so excited to learn amigurumi, and I think your book is the cutest thing ever. I've been working on the egg project, but it looks like a chicken or a marshmallow. I will keep practicing though, and hopefully I will get it right soon. ^_^ Thanks for all the creative inspiration, I can't wait to see your new book- when will it be coming out? :D
