Wednesday, January 23, 2008

las primeras nenas del 2008

The first dolls of 2008!
They're going to Quiet Hours Toys and I love them, specially this one... If I had more time I would make another one and keep her :(
The pattern, if you'd like to make your own, is in my shop :)

♥ Thank you, as always, for all the nice nice comments. It really means a lot to me ♥


  1. Oh! They are so pretty! I think I like the one with brown hair the best. I love your patterns. I ordered your book and I just can hardly wait for the end of February :) Have a great day!

  2. They are lovely! Congrats on your book. Have a great 2008!

  3. I love your site. It has inspired me to start making little amigurumis. They are soooo darling.


  4. You are terrific. I bought patterns online from you and ordered the book from the bookstore. It is really so cute. I want to visit you site everyday! It brightens my day. You helped make my hospitalization and recovery go by faster. I am teaching again, but from a wheelchair. When I have to be off my feet, the little animals and food give me so much pleasure to make. Thank you for the enjoyment you have brought to us crocheters. shelley
