Santiago woke up all mopy and sad and I had to take him to the doctor :(
He had a fever and is now taking two little pills that he manages to leave in his dish, all by themselves, after eating his whole meal (he's pretty skillfull, isn't he?). He's been eating them with dulce de leche and doesn't even notice!
** Perdonen que no pude hacer los numeritos ayer. Santiago estaba todo triste y decaido y lo tuve que llevar al veterinario. Tenia fiebre pobrecito y ahora esta tomando dos pastillitas minusculas que le pongo entre la comida, y que magicamente aparecen solitas despues de que se come todo! (lo voy a tener que llevar a la tele, este perrito es un crack!). Ahora se las estoy dando con dulce de leche y ni se da cuenta :)
Then Oli wanted to make cupcakes -I can crochet the cutest ones ;) but I'm the WORST baker in the planet, so we used Betty Crocker's cake box & frosting, and covered them with lots of sprinkles. Nothing worth of a picture, but pretty tasty :)
And then Mondays are my shot day (I do them M, W & F), and then "I had to" watch Jon & Kate's announcement (isn't it so so sad?)
**Despues a la Oli se le antojo hacer magdalenas! A mi las de crochet me salen lindas, pero de "repostera" soy un de-sas-tre. Hicimos unas de cajita, y entre el merenguito de arriba y las grajeitas de colores quedaron muy ricas -ni ahi dignas de foto, pero ricas :)
Y bueno, los lunes me doy la vacuna (lunes, mier y viernes), despues "tuve" que mirar un programa de la tele que se llama "Jon & Kate + 8" que es la historia de una pareja con 8 nenes (mellizos y sestillizos!) que se van a separar, no es re triste?
So I'm feeling kind of guilty, but mostly very grateful and happy for so many nice comments, thank you!. So instead of giving away one, we'll do 3!
The two first ones were picked with the random number generator, and the third one was Oli's pick - number 2 (because Martina's 2, and they're 2 sisters, and she ate 2 cupcakes, and... it goes on and on, 2 it is!)
** Asi que nada, me siento medio culpable, pero mas que nada muy agradecida y feliz por tanto comentario lindo, gracias! Asi que en vez de 1, rifamos 3!
Los dos primeros numeros los saque con un random numer generator, y el tercero lo eligio Oli: 2, "porque Marti tiene 2, y porque somos 2 hermanas, y porque comi 2 cupcakes, y..." 2!

Congratulations Christine (45), Tammy (59) & Kimberly (2)!
& big hug to everybody for being so nice.
There should be an e-mail in your inbox :)
*Felicitaciones Christine (#45), Tammy (#59) y Kimberly (#2)!
& un abrazo fuerte a todas por ser tan adoradas
Besote :)
Congrats to the winners! I hope Santiago is feeling better!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the books, I'll just end up buying one anyway. I hope Oli liked the cupcakes. Abbie
ReplyDeleteIf he gives you trouble with pills again, you can see if you can find these things called Pill Pockets. I have these two dogs I housesit for and the one has about 4 pills she takes and she does the same thing (leaving them in the bowl). But they used the Pill Pockets and those worked for her (at least until she figured the pills were in it and starting eating the pocket and not the pill :-D But she's ridiculously stubborn about her pills and too smart for her own good).
ReplyDeleteMuchas gracias, Oli, por NUMERO DOS!! Sin ti, no hay libro para mi! Y gracias a tu mama por el tercer libro!
ReplyDeleteAmi are you still selling your books with an autograph? I missed the giveaway and was hoping I could purchase book 2 like I did the first book. Blessings,
ReplyDeleteAna- I wrote about you in my blog today. :) Hope Santi feels better soon!
ReplyDeleteFelicidades a las ganadoras!! Ana Pau, no te puedo creer que jon y kate +8 se separan T___T yo a veces lo veo! jaja
How is Santiago today? Did he recover quickly?