Saturday, May 5, 2007

Cat & Mouse :)

To make the cat and the mouse you will need:
Odds and ends of worsted weight yarn
6 and 9 mm plastic eyes with safety backings (optional)
Embroidery floss, tapestry needle
Size F/5 (4 mm) and size E/4 (3.5 mm) crochet hook
Fiberfill or stuffing of your choice

Finished measurements:
Cat’s height is approx. 7.5 inches if standing and approx. 6 inches (without counting ears) if sitting. Depending on your tension and the yarn you use, she might end up being a little bit taller or a little bit shorter :)

Use the F hook to crochet the cat J

R1- Ch 2, 5 sc in second chain from hook
R2- 2 sc in each sc around (10 sts)
R3- *Sc 1, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 5 times (15 sts)
R4- Sc 15, sl st in next sc, bind off, leaving long tail for sewing.
Embroider nose and mouth, set aside.

Eye “roundies”:
The “roundies” (no clue how to call them) are the little roundy pieces I back up the plastic eyes with, and as you can see they are optional. I made the rabbit without them because I thought she looked cuter like that, so it’s your call J

R-Ch 2, 8 sc in second chain from hook, sl st in first sc, bind off and weave in loose end, put eye through hole if you’re using plastic eyes with safety backings, set aside.

R1– Ch 2, 6 sc in second chain from hook
R2- 2 sc in each sc around (12 sts)
R3- *Sc 1, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (18 sts)
R4- *Sc 2, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (24 sts)
R5- *Sc 3, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (30 sts)
R6- *Sc 4, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (36 sts)
R7- *Sc 5, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (42 sts)
R8-19: Sc 42
R20- *Sc 5, dec 1*, repeat 6 times (36 sts)
R21- *Sc 4, dec 1*, repeat 6 times (30 sts)
R22- *Sc 4, dec 1*, repeat 5 times (25 sts)
Sew muzzle on head and position/embroider eyes.
R23- *Sc 3, dec 1*, repeat 5 times (20 sts)
Stuff head
R24- *Sc 2, dec 1*, repeat 5 times (15 sts), sl st in next sc, bind off and weave in loose end.

-When picking colors to start the body, keep in mind that we start crocheting the body at the bottom and finish at the neck –so if you’re going to change colors to make a sweater, you should start with “skin” color and later change to the sweater color.

With skin color yarn:
R1– Ch 2, 6 sc in second chain from hook
R2- 2 sc in each sc around (12 sts)
R3- *Sc 1, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (18 sts)
R4- *Sc 2, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (24 sts)
R5- *Sc 3, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (30 sts)
R6-8: Sc 30
Change to sweater color yarn
R9- Sc 30 through back loops only (through both loops if you’re not changing colors for a sweater)
R10-16: Sc 30
R17- *Sc 3, dec 1*, repeat 6 times (24 sts)
R18- *Sc 2, dec 1*, repeat 6 times (18 sts)
R19- Sc 18, sl st in next sc, bind off, leaving long tail for sewing.
Stuff body and sew to head.

-Starting with skin color
R1– Ch 2, 6 sc in second chain from hook
R2- 2 sc in each sc around (12 sts)
R3-4: Sc 12
Change to sweater color
R5- Sc 12 through back loops only (though both loops if not making “sleeves”)
R6-9: Sc 12
Sl st in next sc, bind off leaving long tail for sewing, sew to body.

R1– Ch 2, 6 sc in second chain from hook
R2- 2 sc in each sc around (12 sts)
R3-9: Sc 12
Sl st in next sc, bind off leaving long tail for sewing, decide if you want your doll to be “standing” or sitting and sew to body.

R1- Ch 2, 6 sc in second chain from hook
R2- Sc 6
R3- *1 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 3 times (9 sts)
R4- *2 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 3 times (12 sts)
R5- *3 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 3 times (15 sts)
R6- Sc 15
Sl st, bind off leaving long tail for sewing, sew to head

Using E hook
R1- Ch 2, 3 sc in second chain from hook
R2- 2 sc in each sc around (6 sts)
R3- Sc 6
Repeat R3 until tail is approx. 3 inches long, sew to body.

R1- Ch 2, 5 sc in second chain from hook
R2- 2 sc in each of the 5 sc from R1 (10 sts) –ignore the rest of the chain, that’s the mouse’s tail!
R3- *1 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 5 times (15 sts)
R4- *2 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 5 times (20 sts)
R5- Sc 20
R6- Sc 20 through back loops only
R7-12: Sc 20
R13- *2 sc, dec 1*, repeat 5 times (15 sts)
R14-15: Sc 15
Stuff a little
R16- *1 sc, dec 1*, repeat 5 times (10 sts)
Position eyes if using plastic ones with safety backings (you can work on them later if you’re embroidering them).
R17- *Sk1 sc, sc 1*, repeat 5 times (5 sts)
Bind off, weave in loose end

-Make 2! :)
With E hook
R1- Ch 2, 5 sc in second chain from hook
R2- 2 sc in each sc around (10 sts)
Bind off, leaving long tail for sewing, sew to body
Embroider mouse’s little nose.


Thursday, May 3, 2007

Oh the cuteness!

Zequi the bear :)

You will need:
Little amounts of brown and cream worsted weight yarn
A little piece of brown felt for nose (optional)
Plastic eyes with safety backings (optional)
Brown embroidery floss, tapestry needle
Size F/5 (4 mm) crochet hook
Fiberfill or stuffing of your choice

Finished measurements:
Zequi’s height is approx 5.5 inches.

ch = chain
dec = decrease
hdc = half double crochet (UK: htr half treble)
R = round
sc = single crochet (UK: dc double crochet)
sl st = slip st (UK: sc single crochet)
st(s) = stitch(es)
* = repeat directions between * * as many times as indicated


R1– Ch 2, 6 sc in second chain from hook
R2- 2 sc in each sc around (12 sts)
R3- *1 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (18 sts)
R4 to R6- Sc 18.
Bind off leaving long tail for sewing.
Cut a triangular piece of felt and sew to top of big nose/mouth piece, embroider mouth like in the picture.

R1– Ch 2, 6 sc in second chain from hook
R2- 2 sc in each sc around (12 sts)
R3- *1 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (18 sts)
R4- *2 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (24 sts)
R5- *3 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (30 sts)
R6 to R13- Sc 30
R14- *3 sc, dec 1*, repeat 6 times (24 sts)
R15- *2 sc, dec 1*, repeat 6 times (18 sts)
Sew nose/mouth piece on and put eyes in position (if using plastic ones with safety backings), if not, go ahead and embroider them. You can also make them out of felt.
R16- *1 sc, dec 1*, repeat 6 times
Stuff head
R17- *sk 1 sc, 1 sc*, repeat 6 times
Bind off, leaving long tail for sewing.

R1- Ch 2, 4 sc in second chain from hook
R2- 2 sc in each sc around (8 sts)
R3 and R4: Sc 8
Bind off, leaving long tail for sewing, sew to head.

R1– Ch 2, 6 sc in second chain from hook
R2- 2 sc in each sc around (12 sts)
R3- *1 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (18 sts)
R4 to R14- Sc 18
Stuff body
R15- *1 sc, dec 1*, repeat 6 times
Bind off, weave in loose end and sew head to body.

Legs and arms:
R1- Ch2, 4 sc in second chain from hook
R2- 2 sc in each sc around (8 sts)
R3- Sc 8
Repeat R3 until length is approx. 1 inch.
Stuff and bind off, leaving long tail for sewing, sew to body



To make the cupcake you will need:
Worsted weight yarn
Size G/6 (4.25 mm) crochet hook
Fiberfill, Polypellets or stuffing of your choice
Little beads to use as sprinkles J

Abbreviations I used:
ch = chain
dec = decrease
hdc = half double crochet (UK: half-treble crochet)
R = round
sc = single crochet (UK: dc double crochet)
sk = skip
sl st = slip st (UK: sc single crochet)
st(s) = stitch(es)
* = repeat directions between * and * as many times as indicated


Cupcake Bottom
I used brown yarn for a chocolate cupake
R1– Ch 2, 6 sc in second chain from hook
R2- 2 sc in each sc around (12 sts)
R3- *1 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (18 sts)
R4- *2 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (24 sts)
R5- *3 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (30 sts)
R6- Through back loops only:
*Sc 3, dec 1*, repeat 6 times (24 sts)
R7- *3 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (30 sts)
R8- *4 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (36 sts)
R9-12: Sc 36
Bind off, leaving long tail approx. 13 inches long for sewing to top of cupcake

Cupcake Icing :)
I used pink yarn for strawberry icing
R1– Ch 2, 6 sc in second chain from hook
R2- 2 sc in each sc around (12 sts)
R3- *1 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (18 sts)
R4- *2 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (24 sts)
R5- *3 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (30 sts)
R6- *4 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (36 sts)
R7-10: Sc 36
Continue to make the wavy edge:
R11: *3 hdc in next st, sk 1 sc, 1 sl st in next st*, repeat 12 times (thank you Jaden!)
Bind off, weave in loose end.

Sew sprinkles to icing.

Place the icing on top of the bottom part, lining up the stitches of the bottom part to the stitches inside the wavy part of the top (so the wavy part won’t be sewed, sew by the part right on top of the waves). Sew around ¾ of the way and fill bottom part with polypellets, beans or rice so the cupcake sits nice, and the top part with fiberfill, cotton balls or stuffing of your choice so it’s nice and soft.


Little Fried Egg

This one's part of the Tiny Ami 2 crochet pattern :)

To make the little Fried Egg you will need:
Odds and ends of white and yellow worsted weight yarn
5 mm plastic eyes with safety backings (optional)
Embroidery floss, tapestry needle
Size F/5 (4 mm) crochet hook
Fiberfill, Poly-pellets or stuffing of your choice

Abbreviations I used:
ch = chain
dec = decrease
R = round
sc = single crochet (UK: dc double crochet)
sk = skip
sl st = slip st (UK: sc single crochet)
st(s) = stitch(es)
* = repeat directions between * and * as many times as indicated


Using yellow:
R1- Ch 2, 6 sc in second chain from hook
R2- 2 sc in each sc around (12 sts)
R3- *Sc 1, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (18 sts)
R4- *Sc 2, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 6 times (24 sts)
R5-7: Sc 24
Sl st, bind off leaving long tail for sewing. Work on smiley face J

Guess what color yarn!
R1- Ch 2, 7 sc in second chain from hook
R2- 2 sc in each sc around (14 sts)
R3- *Sc 1, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 7 times (21 sts)
R4- *Sc 2, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 7 times (28 sts)
R5- *Sc 3, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 7 times (35 sts)
R6- *Sc 4, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 7 times (42 sts)
R7- Sc 42
R8- *Sc 5, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat 7 times (49 sts)
R9- Sc 49
Sl st, bind off and weave in loose end.
Stuff yolk and sew to white.
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